Collector Buzz

Patented Technology
Retrophones is delighted to announce that we have been granted our patent for Establishing Communication Channels through Virtual Assets.
This development makes Retrophones the first encrypted NFT-to-NFT communication protocol, revolutionizing how digital assets interact.
Common questions
What is Retrophones?
RetroPhones is a collection of 2,222 16bit Pixel Art NFTs of the most prestigious mobile phones ever created with a game changing utility and unlimited possibilities.
What's the license for a RetroPhone?
Ownership & commercial usage rights for the artwork are given to all RetroPhones holders.
What is the utility of a RetroPhone?
Owning a RetroPhones NFT gives you the ability to send data to anyone who owns part of the collection (…or between your own RP’s).
How many traits exist?
2,222 variations consisting of ultra rare features, backgrounds and case variations.